What do parents say?
At each of our sessions we ask for feedback from parents. This helps us to tailor and improve our activities according to the needs of the children who need support.

"Speech, Sign & Song is a wonderfully creative and inclusive initiative for young children disadvantaged by speech delays. I really appreciated the valuable ideas offered by Wendy, Roma and their team when first dealing with my daughter's communication difficulties at age 3. The weekly meetings gave me musical inspiration to encourage new ways to communicate with my little girl, while also providing a uniquely supportive environment for parents to meet others in a similar position to themselves."

"She has matured in a way that her dad and I didn't believe possible."
"When my little boy first joined the group he had no interest in the other children unless they were running around...He's recently started watching other children when they're given instruments to see what they're doing with theirs."

"Music and structured activities, songs and rhymes have made the world of difference to his language development and social communication...I have seen him develop from a boy who would simply babble and say the occasional word to ... a confident speaker..."
"The size and structure of the group has helped my little girl to become confident in group situations, meaning she can integrate in other similar situations."

"My little one jumped up and volunteered to be a 'magician's helper' at his pre-school Christmas party ... I wouldn't have dreamed of him doing this a few months ago. This group has helped to increase his confidence greatly.'
"His self-esteem has grown because he is able to make choices for himself...I think he feels his ideas are valued...the group has enabled him to become more assertive and realise he has choices...this is very empowering."